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Sculpture Portfolio: Awards & Corporate Gifts
2010 Medistar AwardPewter Repoussé Awarded to outstanding medical professionals. Kaviar Forge has been creating these awards for many years. | Beargrass Creek AwardDeveloped around a Volkswagen found in Beargrass Creek after many years | Frankfort Avenue Business AssociationAwarded to Bill Samuels |
Mayor Abramson's Awardwrought iron sculpture Awarded by Louisville Bicycle Club in 2010. Forged iron abstract sculpture on limestone base. | Award made by Craig KaviarAward comprised of various bits of ironwork to give it a "reused, recycled" aesthetic | Award made by Craig KaviarAwarded each year to a homeowner in Jeffersonville, IN |
Repoussé Purse Hangerpewter and sterling silver 2 inch diameter These can be customized with your business logo! | Evergreen Rehab Logoforged iron 4ft. high | Award made by Craig Kaviar |
Forged Iron HorseForged Iron Horse on Granite Base | Gutenberg’s 400th BirthdayWrought Iron Sculpture Artists Exchange in Louisville’s Sister City Mainz, Germany Forged iron Gothic ‘G’ with piercing black iron rose | 2015 Spark AwardsForge iron inspired by Alberto Giacometti |
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